Film. Digital Media. Theatre. Creativity. Drama. Dance. Movement. Connection. Music. Art. Change.
We work creatively with groups of people experiencing challenges or barriers in their lives. We bring them together with experienced specialist practitioners and explore what develops.
This flexible and organic way of working allows us to be responsive to participant needs and adaptable to growth and change.
Most of our work happens here in the UK, but some of it happens overseas. We deliver workshops internationally for ogranisations like the International Red Cross, exploring themes such as Teambuilding, Culture Shock and Homecoming with participants who are working in areas experiencing conflict.
Film and Digital Media
Wolf + Water made their first film back in 1994 with steam driven cameras. Since that time, what would take us months to create technically, most people can now do on their own computers in their own homes very quickly and effectively.
Film and animation are both great mediums for encouraging creativity, patience and excitement. We find them really useful ways of telling often complicated stories.
Over the years we have blended film making and projections into our theatre performances, which has become a bit of a company trade mark.
Performance and Theatre
We often specialise in performance based work because it allows us to work across art forms whilst also offering a range of possibilities for participation. We believe performance can provide a powerful and valuable voice for our participants. It can raise awareness, understanding and generate debate. Being on stage in front of an audience can be empowering and exhilarating, building confidence and self esteem, giving participants a voice.
As projects grow we might start to create music and sound, either live or recorded. We might incorporate visual art, projection or films that participants have created as the visual backdrop or set. We will add in physical set design, costume and props. Sometimes we perform in community venues, sometimes we perform in dedicated theatre venues.
Sometimes participants might be unable to be on stage themselves – through physical or mental barriers, it may be they simply don’t want to. Yet their work and contribution to the wider project that the show is a culmination of can still be celebrated and showcased through the set, film or music.
Wolf + Water use drama with all the types of user groups we work with as a rehearsal for life. We often use drama based work with our overseas groups to explore issue based themes.
Drama gives participants the time and space that is not always available in real time life to rewind, try out different approaches and responses, building a range of options and choices.
Through role play we can work with participants to explore situations that might be challenging in life; a person with anxiety going into a shop, learning to work in a new culture or an ex-drug user suddenly being offered a substance. We can support participants to explore the various roles they play in their lives; co-worker, partner, carer. Together we can examine how these can co-exist or cause conflict.
In a safe group setting discovering different responses and strategies to life situations can build confidence and improve communication skills.
Dance and Movement
Dance and movement is a core aspect of the work we do. For participants with limited mobility and access to few opportunities, dance offers them the opportunity to express themselves differently. Working with dance and movement also enables carers to explore a new creative way to form relationships with them
Finding non verbal and physical approaches to expression is a valuable tool for some of our less verbally communicative participants.
Music and Sound
We believe everyone has some relationship to music and sound in their lives. Our work with music and sound is wide ranging; street music projects with young people at risk of offending, found object orchestras with adults with learning difficulties, song writing with children in care, radio plays with young people.
Working with music, lyrics and stories can support participants to develop self awareness, relate to others and provide a mechanism to communicate sometimes difficult experiences and memories.
Wolf + Water use visual arts in all their 2D and 3D forms to enable expression. Art forms can encompass anything from painting to printing, cartooning to sculpture, pottery to mosaic. This flexible approach enables us to tailor provision, allowing opportunity for both individual and group expression.
Film. Digital Media. Theatre. Creativity. Drama. Dance. Movement. Connection. Music. Art. Change.